What is Binge eating?

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Binge eating also known as compulsive overeating is a very severe eating disorder. It is a disorder in which people eat more food and feel helpless in controlling themselves. We often do overeating occasionally like on holidays or getting together. Binge eaters do it regularly, with every meal or all day. They stuff in as quickly as they can, without considering what they are eating. They tend to eat when they are not hungry and are unable to resist eating.

Binge eaters do feel ashamed of themselves for eating behavior and they often eat secretly to hide this. They are guilty-conscious and depressed with the thought that they will end up with bulky bodies but are still unable to control over eating.

How Does it Start?

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It can commence with normal overeating problems that get converted into binge eating. Binge eating may ease you for some time but its end results are regretful. It makes you obese and overweight and makes it compulsory to eat. It becomes more challenging when eating makes you feel better than feeling worse and then eating more to relieve yourself.

Symptoms of Binge Eating

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You can observe the following symptoms more frequently in binge eaters:

  • Helpless in obstructing yourself from eating
  • Swiftly eating food in large quantity
  • Continue eating after your tummy is full
  • Storing food at secret places so that they can eat in isolation
  • Being normal in eating in others’ presence and stuffing food in loneliness
  • Eating at odd hours or all day without considering meal time
  • Getting relaxed from stress only after eating
  • Feeling shameful after eating much
  • Bingeing with the attitude of numbness as if you are not present there
  • Always feeling dissatisfied after eating too much
  • Feeling awkward and depressed after overeating
  • Always worried about controlling eating habits and body weight

Causes of Binge Eating

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Researches are in the process to find the reason for binge eating. There can be biological, social or psychological reasons for binge eating disorder.

  • Evidence shows that biological irregularity can be a reason for compulsive eating. Some parts of your brain may be unable to guide correct signals of hunger. This can lead to eating disorders.
  • Binge eating can be because of social hassle also. Mentioning of poor health or a thin body very often can make one a binge eater. It can be shameful for somebody for being lean and can provoke them to eat more and more.
  • Stress can also be a reason for binge eating. Seclusion, depression, and displeasure can contribute to this disorder. One can adopt unusual eating habits just to control emotions or to reduce worries, anxiety, or fear that can conclude to a compulsive eating disorder.

Other Complications with Binge Eating

Binge eating gives rise to other medical hitches along with social and emotional troubles. Obesity is the first and most common disordered coupled with binge eating. People with this disorder may suffer from insomnia, anxiety, and solitude and can think of committing suicide also. Other disorders that a binge eater can end up with are:

  • The rise in bad cholesterol
  • Heart diseases
  • Higher blood pressure
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Digestive problems
  • Joint problems

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