How to Treat Binge Eating Disorder

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Binge eating disorder may lead to severe diseases like obesity, high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and so on. The good news is that you can do a lot to control the disorder. If you are unable to prevent over-eating on your own, you can consult a professional who can assist you make some lifestyle changes to deal with the disease. They will more likely help you in relieving stress and oppress your desire for binging. A few of the ways can be:

Treatment With Therapies

A therapist can help you overcome the compulsive eating disorder. They can make you familiar with healthy eating habits, and operative stress-reliving techniques. This mood triggers eating more than required and helps you battle with the compulsive feeling of gobbling.

Binge Eating Disorder Can Be Treated With Three Kinds of Therapies Explained as follows:

  • Interpersonal Psychotherapy

This therapy teaches you about the relationship problems and social issues that lead to binge eating disorders. Your counselor can help you in making a good relationships with your friends and family. This benefits you in gaining an emotional boost from your close ones when you need it, thereby reducing the occurrence of overeating. A better understanding of your problem among family and friends can also help in resisting compulsive eating.

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy

The main emphasis of this therapy is on dysfunctional thoughts or beliefs. For binge eating disorders, cognitive behavioral therapy aims at the awareness of how to tackle emotions along with food. It encompasses sessions regarding the nutrition required, weight loss, and techniques to relax. The counselors analyze and guide you about the sparks of binging in you, and help you dodge them or struggle with them.

  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

This therapy is a combination of mindfulness meditation methods and cognitive behavioral therapy. Binge eaters are edified that they should receive themselves as it is and remove their frustration. They are also taught how to endure stress in a better way and synchronize their emotions. Counselors help you monitor your unfit approach regarding eating. This behavioral therapy treats individuals as well as groups.

Treatment With Medication

Medication may not come out as a cure for a compulsive eating disorder. It may only help in overcoming a few of its symptoms. For the long-term benefits therapies are the best solution for this disorder. They create self-awareness and help in self-improvement in binge eating


Anti-depressants can help you in relieving stress and give you a temporary sedative effect. Researches show that there are more chances of relapse when the drug intake is brought to an end.

Friends and family can be great support in overcoming binge eating disorder. Sharing your feelings with them can solve your problem of solitude and can put a check on your eating habit. You can display your emotions about eating which will help you hate yourself for eating more. You may also share your views with other binge eaters. Revealing personal thoughts may help you find some solutions to staying away from food at odd hours.

Other ways are the groups that will aid you in treating this disorder. Groups can be of two types, the one with volunteers or health professionals who are trained to guide binge eaters, and the other ones are psychotherapists. Psychotherapists will educate you all about nutritious eating and controlling the desire of eating.

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