How to Tackle The Dandruff

How to Tackle The Dandruff

How to Tackle The Dandruff

In this article, we will tell you some tips about how to tackle the dandruff. If we talk about full body care, hair may be the last thing about which we bother. Having healthy hair is considered the glory of a person. The most common hair problem people face these days is dandruff. Yes, we are talking about the dry white-coloured skin flakes that fall from your scalp and make you feel embarrassed if they fall on your hair, shoulder and clothes.

Though dandruff can be cured, in some extreme cases, it may be difficult to get rid of it. In some cases, it may also cause itching on the scalp. Dandruff is dangerous as it affects your hair growth. It can be a reason for hair fall. Along with this, it can leave bad marks on your skin. Dandruff can give rise to acne and pimples on the shoulder and chest or up to where hair touches the body. Spots on the cheeks and forehead may be signs of dandruff. Above all dandruff ruins the beauty of hair and makes it weak.

How Does Dandruff Occur?

Usually, the older skin cells die and shed from the scalp. But dandruff makes them fall off before their actual time period. Dandruff can arise internally as well as externally. If we talk about the internal mode, stress can give rise to dandruff. External triggers can be the daily use of ironing rods, hair dryers, and curlers as they can make your scalp and hair dry. Inadequate washing of hair can also be a reason for dandruff.
You are more prone to dandruff if you have a family member facing a dandruff problem. A diet lacking vitamin B and zinc increases the possibility of dandruff in your hair. In the winter months, dandruff is worst.

Anti-dandruff Shampoos

If your dandruff is trivial then you can use baby shampoo on daily basis. If it is not cured with baby shampoo try using other anti-dandruff shampoos.

Home Remedy

Herbs are one of the remedies for curing dandruff and improving hair growth. Henna is one of them. It controls dandruff conditions hair and helps in hair growth. Good quality henna with ingredients like amla, reetha, shikakai enhances hair growth and improves the quality of hair.

Massaging your scalp with hot oil can also help in removing dandruff. Make sure you are soft with your fingers on your scalp in a circular motion. Avoid a harsh massage. If hair is weak then a hard massage can make roots weaker and increase hair fall. Oil your hair and leave it overnight. Apply juice of a lemon on the scalp an hour before washing hair. Lemon juice may give a sensation of itching but that is beneficial as it will help remove dandruff.


If you feel itching, burning, or redness with any of the anti-dandruff shampoos stop their use immediately. If the problem persists consult the doctor. We hope through this article you will get to know how to tackle dandruff.

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