Top 10 Fashion Trends for 2021: A Guide for Your Next Shopping Trip

fashion trends 2021

Pairing flip-flops with a dress to a party, putting on too much makeup, wearing clothing that doesn’t fit – these are all fashion mistakes that many women make and, often, they don’t even know it. Although these won’t get you imprisoned in an actual jail, committing these fashion crimes still has its consequences.

Take wearing clothes that don’t fit, for example. Not only can this make anyone look like a fashion failure, but it can also be quite uncomfortable.

Want to make sure you don’t commit fashion crimes in 2021? Here are the top 10 fashion trends you could use as a guide when you go fashion shopping in Dubai:

1.   Cropped Cardigans

Inspired by fashion styles of old, this trend was first introduced among high-end fashion brands. Inevitably, it spread to the mid-range labels, making it much more accessible to budget fashionistas worldwide.

Traditionally, a cropped cardigan is worn over a dress or midi skirt. It can also be matched with high-waist skinny jeans (adorned with a chunky-buckled belt) or animal print jeggings.

You can also mix it up a bit by matching a comfy pair of sweatpants with it. It works great for Zoom meeting attire, worn buttoned on its own or over a cami with the same flannel pajama bottoms you woke up in.

2.   Statement Coats

You’ll find plenty of inspiring ensembles on Instagram and Pinterest using statement coats. Still, a leather trench coat accentuated with faux fur trim is the look of the moment this 2021.

Not a fan of fur? Not a problem. There are plenty of coats you can choose from.

Just make sure you go with one that has a unique texture, silhouette, or vibrant hue. If you do, you’ll surely catch people’s eyes as you stroll downtown – in a good way, of course.

3.   Breathable Face Masks

Face masks are a kind of accessory that’s considered a necessity, but this doesn’t mean they can’t be fashionable. Since everyone’s wearing one, why not buy pieces for your fashion collection that are not only stylish and high-quality, but breathable as well?

There are plenty of fabrics for you to choose from – some can even match your favorite clothing and other accessories. The best part is that having face masks you actually like will motivate you to commit to wearing them.

4.   Shackets

One fashion trend that has become quite versatile and can be worn anywhere and at any time is the “shacket.” This shirt and jacket hybrid can even be considered as suitable women’s wear in Dubai that is both fashionable and functional, especially in the desert city’s warm climate.

Whenever you need outerwear that is a bit heavier than your favorite denim jacket but is not really a full-on coat, use a shacket. This cross between a classic flannel shirt and a jacket can be worn solo buttoned-up or open and layered over your favorite shirt or turtleneck.

Just try wearing one. You’ll be surprised how many styles you can achieve with just a single piece of clothing.

5.   Chunky Soles

The fashion world has moved on from study block heels, stilettos, and kitten heels. Today, what you need are shoes with thick, ultra-chunky lug soles.

Aside from complimenting edgy ensembles, they also add a bit of cool-girl vibe to other outfits, especially if you’re going for a rock star chic look with chunky platform booties.

But if you’re not yet ready to go full-on Avril Lavigne, a pair of stylish chunky-soled boots should give you a similar look.

In the same way, designers and fashion retailers like Zara and Balenciaga are updating their women’s footwear collections with shoes inspired by no less than tractor boots.

This type of footwear is characterized by a thick rugged sole matched with an almost-comically rounded toe. It is a new fashion shoe trend that pairs well with plenty of bottoms you probably already have – from extra short skirts and long dresses to skin-tight leggings and sweatpants.

6.   Candy-Hued Sweatpants

Couch clothing seems to be one of the common themes in 2021 fashion trends, as candy-colored sweatpants begin making their rounds in the fashion retail market. In fact, the demand for colorful lounge-y bottoms – from vibrant and bold to pastel-colored ones – has skyrocketed.

It’s probably because people want to bring comfort as they begin exploring the outside world again. Whatever the reason may be, the fact remains that pieces that were previously limited to indoor use have become part of global fashion trends.

7.   Puffed Sleeves

Noticed how styles and fashion statements from the past have a way of getting back on the fashion trend wagon? Well, it has happened again – this time, in the form of puffed sleeves.

Of all the 2021 fashion trends listed here, you’ll find this to be something that’s most noticeable.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you can only wear it when you’re out partying and stuff. Whether it’s a grocery store run, an occasional outdoor dinner, and even a Zoom get-together, puffed-sleeve blouses would be a perfect choice of outfit.

8.   Boiler Suits

Boiler suits are deemed the one-and-done hero of the 2021 fashion trends. Not only have these appeared in your favorite budget stores, but they also made their presence known in the runway.

As a one-piece outfit, boiler suits are great for people who can’t seem to find the perfect pants to match every top they have.

Fashion pro advice: Want to make boiler suits a bit more seasonal? Try layering one with a turtleneck.

9.   Yin-Yang and Tiger Prints

Prints have a way of staying chic and gorgeous, regardless of the year. Two excellent examples of this are yin-yang and tiger prints.

Previously made popular in the 1990s, yin-yang patterns have also become a must-have in the fashion year 2021. Like baggy jeans, platform shoes, and many others on this list, this print has made a huge comeback in the fashion scene.

The same goes with tiger prints, which are considered an update from last year’s leopard prints.

In 2021, tiger stripes are appearing everywhere – from boxy overcoats and cozy knit sweaters to prim dresses and dainty blouses.

10. Blazers Over Hoodies

Finally, another cozy quarantine piece that’s making its way outdoors is the hoodie.

Given that this comfy and informal piece looks nothing like what you’d wear even in a Zoom meeting, fashionistas all over the world are updating it with a new layer: a blazer.

Blazers over hoodies are great for creating that legit “just-polished-enough” outside (or inside) look you need for your next face-to-face or virtual meeting. The best part is that there’s no way you can mess up this match, regardless of whether you’re a large-boxy-blazer or tailored-style type of person.

Comfort and Style

Most 2021 fashion trends are centered on comfort and style. Call it an effect of quarantines and lockdowns, if you will, but regardless of the reason, these trends are here to stay.

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