Boost Your Happiness

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In this article, you will get to know about how to Boost Your Happiness. We all want to be happy and lead more fulfilling and contented lives. Similar to this true fact there’s another fact. We all tend to get sad and depressed quite often, owing to today’s hectic and frantic lifestyles. Being happy is something which is coherent with our original nature. Mother nature bestowed this gift upon us so that we can lead a blissful and ecstatic life. As children, we live every moment with this endowment, but as we grow up we all go through phases when we are happy and when we are sad. Gradually comes a time in life when we realize that we aren’t happy or rather aren’t happy enough.

Just ponder over how we can get back to our original happy state of mind. While some serious sadness in life comes with uncontrollable circumstances, we can battle our way to happiness. Try out these simple happiness boosters for yourself, and notice the astonishing results.

Get Outdoors: Experience The Thrill and Get Happy

The idiom “All work and no play makes John a dull boy” is an aptly stated reality of life that points towards the importance of a balanced life. An increasing number of work hours people put in at their workplace leaves them with no time to de-stress themselves. Remaining indoors for long durations results in the deficiency of an essential vitamin for the body i.e. vitamin D. This vitamin is responsible for boosting the mood by helping the release of feel-good hormones known as endorphins. The best source of vitamin D is sunshine; therefore try spending some time outdoors when you feel gloomy.

You can even opt for a vacation which can be a restorative respite when you feel doleful. Vacations are a chance to take a break from work, see the world and enjoy time with your family. It gives you time to relax your mind and body resulting in a much happier you.

Workout to Feel Happy

“If it weren’t for the fact that the TV set and the refrigerator are so far apart, some of us wouldn’t get any exercise at all.” –Joey Adams

Stuck up with our daily chores and schedules, we sometimes forget to give due importance to the fact that a minimal amount of exercise is very important for us to be vivacious. Next time when you feel low or stressed out try hitting the gym or heading out for a brisk walk or run for an instant happiness boost. The research done worldwide prove that individuals who exercise regularly are much happier than those who are sluggish and don’t make any effort to stay fit.

Watch a Comedy Movie

“Laughter is an instant vacation.” – Milton Berle

Laughter, it is said, is the best medicine for all ailments. If you are feeling down, catch hold of a comedy movie and laugh your way out for happiness. You’ll feel instant gratification and apart from increasing your levels of happiness, laughter burns calories and improves heart health too.

Cherish the Present Moment

Buddha discovered one of the true sources of happiness and health more than 2500 years ago- it is the ability to be in the present moment. Research shows there are many physical benefits of learning to be in the moment from lower blood pressure to reduced levels of stress and anxiety.

In the English language, the word “present” has three distinct meanings: “here,” “now” and “a gift.” Remember to enjoy the miracle of existence today. By being more spontaneous in the present moment, you can increase your happiness score. Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make “now” the primary focus of your life.

Go ahead….seize the day… just one day at a time.

Alter your Attitude and Get Organized

To boost your happiness look out for the silver lining of the dark clouds while dealing with the problems of life. Just remember attitudes are more important than facts because life is just 10 percent that happens to you and the rest 90 percent of it is your attitude towards life. Always use an optimistic approach towards everything in life no matter how hard the going gets. Just be happy and optimistic always. Optimism opens up doors for happiness.

Having a sense of gratitude makes you feel happier. Work towards systematic cultivation of gratitude in your life. Thank the almighty for small things and even for the small joys, you have got in your lives that make you happy. These needn’t be materialistic like having a big car, big house, hefty bank reserves, but simple ones such as having a healthy body, a good family, a good spouse, and getting the bare essential meals every day for surviving….and so on (the list is non-exhaustive if you have an attitude of gratitude).

Order creates a sense of well-being and disorder creates confusion and uncertainty. So get organized. Organize your life’s priorities, organize your day, and your schedules and your happiness will increase.

Choose to be Happy

According to happiness expert Robert Holden, choice is a powerful thing. More of anything or everything will not make a difference to your happiness score until you consciously choose to be happy. So, set an intention to be happy today and decide to make today even more enjoyable than you thought it was going to be. Your happiness optimizes when you stop chasing happiness and start choosing happiness.

Let Go and be Happy

Many of us often don’t realize that the reason for our unhappiness could be holding on to grievances. I would just like to ask a question. For how long are we here on this planet?? The answer is lucid, just for a few years. Then why be a victim of grudges, resentments, past mistakes, and hold grievances for anyone?? Just forgive and let go….let go and be happy – Boost Your Happiness

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