The Belly Fat Plan: Fat and Improve Health

The Belly Fat Plan

The Belly Fat Plan

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Through this article you will get to know the belly fat plan. In the world of health abdominal fat is considered as the biggest hurdle to staying fit. To get rid of this area’s fat people work very hard. There are greater health repercussions associated with a big belly and the abdomen is considered to be one of the unhealthiest spots to have fat on the body.

Why is the Belly Fat So Bad?

Accumulation of fat on the belly leads to an increased waist size which puts you at a greater risk of developing harmful diseases. The human body accumulates two types of fats in the abdominal area. Fat located beneath the skin and muscle fat is known as ‘subcutaneous fat. ‘Visceral fat is more precarious and is stored deep inside the abdominal area between the internal organs and chest. It is more harmful than subcutaneous fat because it can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, and some sleep disorders.

Simple Ways to Reduce the Unwanted Fat:

Control Your Taste Buds

By merely making a few modifications to the food you usually consume, you can curtail that unwanted fat. Try opting for five small meals a day, instead of three large meals. Through this diet plan, you’ll end up eating less food as your portions would be small and you’ll not end up eating more than your body requires.

Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day, so start off your day with a good and healthy breakfast. This would ensure that your energy levels are optimum throughout the day.
As mentioned the frequency of eating is vital, just as crucial is what you eat. In fact, there are various foods that aid the loss of fat around your stomach and others that increase it.

Foods That Increase Belly Fat Include:

  1. Trans fats, found in many processed foods like biscuits, burgers, pizzas, and many bakery products
  2. Sugars, found in packed juices, candies, chocolates, and soft drinks
  3. Carbohydrates are found in refined wheat, white bread, white rice, etc.
  4. Ready to eat fast foods like spring rolls, noodles, etc

Add the Following to Your Diet Plan:

  1. Fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains
  2. Olive oil
  3. Almonds
  4. Oats
  5. Eggs
  6. Low-fat milk and yogurt
  7. Green tea

Drink Sufficient Water

It is vital to drink water throughout the day as it accelerates the fat-burning process. So aim to have about 8 glasses of water per day, and increase the intake if you aim to lose weight. Water aids the functioning of the liver which in turn plays an important role to convert reserved fat into energy. This energy boosts the body’s metabolism and may aid weight loss around your belly.

Exercise Daily

It goes without saying that any diet should be aided with exercise in order to achieve maximum impact. If you are targeting belly fat in particular, cardio exercises are beneficial as they accelerate our heart rate and cause us to use more energy. You can opt for walking, cycling, jogging, or swimming according to what suits you the best. Certain yoga asanas also deliver positive results when practiced diligently. You can also couple up resistance exercises such as squats, chest presses, and dumbbell rows with cardio exercises to help the body fight the unwanted fat by building the abdominal stomach muscles.

Avoid Alcohol and Junk Food

Alcohol contains a whole heap of calories and also impacts our body’s sugar levels. Keep the intake moderate if you can’t absolutely refrain from it. Devouring excessive junk food is one of the main reasons why people develop excess fat. Once you are accustomed to having junk food on regular basis, it enhances your appetite and you usually end up eating more than is required.

Get a Sufficient Amount of Sleep

High-stress levels can cause the production of stress hormones known as ‘Cortisol’ in our body. Cortisol has been associated with an increase in body weight. Whenever you feel stressed, take up de-stressing activities such as yoga and breathing exercises.

Getting an adequate amount of sleep prevents overeating and thus helps us to lose body fat. When an individual is tired there is a tendency to over-eat in order to gain more energy. Good sleep also ensures that you stay more active during the daytime and end up burning more fat.

Losing belly fat is not easy and a lot of effort is needed. Though, once you start to see results you will be triggered off to put in further effort. For that reason, it is never too late to work on the excess fat accumulated in your abdomen. So before it puts you on the verge of developing life-threatening diseases and ruins your health, pledge and lose that belly fat! We hope you liked the belly fat plan provided in this article.

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