6 Ways to Stay Fit at Your Workplace

6 Ways to Stay Fit at Your Workplace

6 Ways to Stay Fit at Your Workplace

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In this article, we will tell you 6 ways to stay fit at your workplace. The sedentary lifestyles of today, stressful situations, and long work hours make fitting exercise in it seem like a superhuman task. After work, sometimes family or social life takes precedence, or you are just too tired to work out. Before even you realize it, figure out that you no longer fit into your favourite pair of jeans or shirts. Yes, you guessed it right! Because of lack of exercise, you gradually end up adding those extra pounds and increase your risk of chronic diseases like hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and other illnesses brought about by lack of exercise.

It’s said that every problem has a solution. So how do you work around resolving this challenge? It’s an era of smart work, so why not play a bit smart and work out while you are at work? Averagely, if you spend about eight to ten hours at work, it comprises a major part of your day. So why not look out for ways you can break away and incorporate some physical activity into your daily work routine? Read below 6 ways to stay fit at your workplace:

Move Around and Exercise During Lunch Breaks

Try wrapping up your lunch early and utilize the remaining time for some exercise. Some feasible easy options include climbing up and coming down the stairs for a while, walking around the office premises, and performing leg raising and stretching exercises while sitting at your desk.

Don’t Save Trips – Ways to Stay Fit

Take frequent breaks from work and keep your body constantly in motion. Get up for a glass of water whenever you feel thirsty, and reach up to your colleague for discussions instead of communicating through internal servers/text messages/emails. Just find an excuse to get up from your desk every hour.

Say “No” to the Elevator

Opting for the stairs instead of the elevator whenever feasible can assist in burning additional calories by the end of the day. While sitting at your desk and indulging in whatever snacks are available may seem like an easy escape from stress, it can result in unwanted weight gain. However, choosing healthier snack alternatives like seasonal fruits or low-calorie options can help mitigate the negative effects of this issue.

Prefer Standing over Sitting

Try to stand up as frequently as possible. Take all calls while standing as it enables you to burn more calories than sitting.

Have a Healthy Lunch

Choose to carry healthy food for lunch. Home-cooked food is always better than the food you have from the outside. On special occasions if you go out for a lunch with your colleagues, choose healthy alternatives over unhealthy ones. Keep the portion sizes small and remember not to overdo it. The fitness tips listed in the article are a realistic approach through which you can inculcate more movement in your workday that can mitigate the hazards of sitting.

These ways to stay fit can win the battle of fitness without neglecting the responsibilities of your work or home. We hope you liked these 6 ways to stay fit at your workplace.

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