Say No To BPA (Plastics).

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Plastic has made our life easy from home to the office. In daily activities, we have things that are made of plastic. There is no doubt about it that with its benefits plastic has become part and parcel of our life. Whether it’s the cell phone we stick to or the polybag to carry things, we use plastic in one or the other way. The versatility of plastic has made it occupy a large amount of space on our kitchen shelves. Food storage containers, packing material, water bottles, and bottles for milk all are made of plastic. But there is something which is hidden or probably known or we don’t want to consider. That is BPA.

Bisphenol A (BPA) is the most common name in plastic industries. It is being used in factories for making plastic brittle. BPA is present in most inner coatings of cans used to pack food and drinks, baby bottles, sippers, toys and many other products. Researches show that BPA seeps from the linings of cans and bottles into food and beverage. This concludes that there can be a certain amount of BPA present in our bodies.

How is BPA Harmful?

Studies show that a higher quantity of BPA can lead to many problems. BPA is considered to interfere with the hormones and create many complications. There can be neural, behavioural and growth issues because of intake of BPA. It can affect reproductive health and can be a reason for cancer.

How is BPA Harmful to Children?

According to research scientists stated that “The amount of BPA in a baby’s blood is approximately 11 times higher than in an adult”. This is because the enzyme that works to dismantle the BPA is very less amount in babies. The production of enzymes enhances with the age. This is the reason that BPA is more harmful and is difficult to abolish in children and infants. Evidence shows that BPA can affect the brain of children and babies. It can also affect the fetus’s growth in pregnant women.

What Can be Done?

Every parent wants to provide the best and safe things to their children. Knowingly, they will never choose hazardous things for them. Although it is difficult to get rid of plastic efforts can be done to avoid its usage. One can try to follow the tips to keep away from this:

  • Avoid using milk bottles for babies. Mother’s milk is best for the baby. Moreover, it keeps your baby away from exposure to chemicals like BPA. In case you have to use a bottle or sipper for your child, buy the stuff from reputed brands as they are made BPA-free.
  • Discontinue the use of plastic containers. For storing food use containers made of glass and stainless steel.
  • Hot food and beverages can let the BPA leach into the food. Never pour hot food material into plastic containers. Tyr not to use plastic in microwave also.
  • Avoid packed food, as most restaurants don’t use BPA-free plastic containers. Make sure with the packing material used by the food ventures.
  • Don’t keep plastic bottles in your car for a longer time. Due to the high-temperature BPA can be mixed with the water inside the bottle. That water is unfit for drinking.
  • Always check the “pc” mark on the plastic bottles before purchasing as these are not safe to buy. PC stands for polycarbonate plastic that contains BPA.

Say no to plastic and adopt other materials that are not harmful to you. Be eco-friendly and keep yourself disease free.

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