4 Delicious Foods that Boosts Your Mood

foods that makes your mood

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All of us experience low moods now and then whether it’s due to stress, boredom, or simply a tough day at work. But did you ever stop and consider that the cause of your low mood could be down to your diet?

What we eat affects how we feel both physically and mentally. To boost your mood naturally, ensure that you get lots of these four types of foods into your diet.

Fermented foods

Fermented foods improve both mood and gut health. Such foods include kombucha, yogurt, kimchi, or sauerkraut. A process of fermentation means that live bacteria can thrive in these types of foods, fermentation turns sugar into acids or alcohol. As part of the fermentation process, probiotics are formed. These are microorganisms that help to raise serotonin levels and aid your gut in growing good bacteria. Your gut microbiome produces a large amount of the serotonin in your body.


Chocolate helps the body to release compounds such as theobromine and caffeine, both of which can boost your mood. Chocolate also helps the body to release N-acylethanolamine, this compound is somewhat similar (in a chemical form) to cannabinoids. Both have been linked to stress reduction and an enhanced mood.

As well as this, it’s been suggested that chocolate reduces inflammation, and improves blood flow to the brain, two things which improve mood regulation.

Dark chocolate is the healthier option, as this has less added sugar and is also higher in flavonoids.


Bananas are packed with vitamin B6, and it’s this vitamin that supports the synthesization of both serotonin and dopamine. Both of these neurotransmitters are responsible for making us feel happier and more relaxed.

Bananas contain both fiber and sugar, and sugar is released more gradually into our blood when it is paired with fiber. The result is stable blood sugar and an improved mood. When our blood sugar levels are too low, we are more prone to mood swings and restlessness. Bananas are also a good source of prebiotics, which feeds the good bacteria in your stomach.


We must consume Omega-3 fatty acids by eating fish like tuna, mackerel, or salmon. The body needs Omega-3 and can’t produce these fats by itself. These essential acids have been widely associated with reduced levels of depression.

Some research has suggested that Omega-3 improves brain function and development. You should aim to eat fish at least three times throughout the week or try taking a fish oil supplement.

Salmon is one of the best superfoods out there, you really can’t go wrong getting plenty of salmon in your diet!

Cottage cheese

The fresh curds provide your body with tryptophan, an amino acid that is linked with improving both brain function and mood. What’s more, cottage cheese is a top source of calcium and has also been associated with preventing some cancers and helping to regulate blood pressure.

Next time that you’re treating yourself or a friend to some tasty gourmet food gifts, be sure to keep these mood-boosting favs in mind! Dark chocolate truffles? Yummy banana bread? Or perhaps a delicious cottage cheese pie? Learn some new recipes and get ready to lift your spirits.

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