Why Custom Suits are Superior to Off-The-Rack Designs in Every Possible Way


If you want to look sharp and expertly dressed, investing in custom suits is an excellent way to stand out.

Before off-the-rack suits became so widely accessible, most men had their own tailors. In fact, more often than not, men would stay loyal to the tailors who knew their ideal fit from neck to toes, and who could make sure that their suits were perfectly balanced and fitted.

Whenever you see politicians, celebrities and major business leaders looking particularly dapper in their suits, this is largely due to the fact that their garments have been expertly tailored to their individual bodies.

There is clear evidence to support the benefits of custom suits over mass-produced suits that are purchased off the rack.

Women certainly aren’t alone when it comes to having sleepless nights over the potential for weight gain. The very thought of not being able to fit into a favorite dress or a beloved pair of designer jeans is sufficient fodder for sweat-inducing nightmares.


Although they might be reticent to admit it openly, a lot of guys have had nightmares about their custom suits not fitting as well.

And they should definitely worry about this issue, particularly if their next appointments with their traveling tailors are scheduled several weeks out or even hold off until the next season.

Fortunately, there is still hope for you and your custom suits, even if you’ve put a few pounds on in recent months or years.

Rest assured that the mid-section is generally the very first place where an additional pounds will be most apparent on the average male physique. It could be that you’ve indulged in a few extra slices of pizza that were better left alone, or maybe recent weight gain can be attributed to your doughnut addiction. We certainly can’t forget that six-pack of ice cold beer.

There is, after all, a good reason why the term “beer belly” exists. But gaining a few pounds here and there isn’t really a big issue. When it comes to custom suits that have been professionally fitted to your very own body and configurations by the top, visiting tailors, there’s guaranteed to be an easy way to fix any problems that your few extra pounds might cause.

This is the real beauty of custom-fitted shirts and suits: there is always going to be some measure of room for necessary adjustments.

Custom suits that are especially well-made can often have as much as two to three inches of fabric let out when needed. Among some of the more common aspects of custom suits that can be let out by a seasoned tailor are the midsection, the collars of dress shirts, and the waistline of trousers and jackets.

Of each of these areas, suit jackets tend to be the most flexible when it comes to making essential adjustments and there are times when as many as three inches can be let out around the individual’s midsection. There is of course, only so much that any visiting tailor can do, especially if you gain between 25 and 35 pounds and wind up increasing by one or two sizes.

Moreover, trouser adjustments are sometimes limited according to back pocket placements and the amount of extra material that’s been sewn into these. More often than not, there is usually adequate room for at least two inches of expansion on any pants that have been custom made. Ready-to-wear or off-the-rack pants, however, have little to nothing remaining in the seams given that additional fabric comes at a cost.

In terms of collar adjustments for fitted suits, there are a number of solutions that a visiting tailor can provide. Your tailor can install a collar button extender or an entirely new collar can be sewn in.

Ultimately, a slight increase in weight is not going to be a tremendous issue particularly if you have at least two of the following: a forthcoming visit with a traveling tailor and a suit that’s been custom made.

Following Are 6 Reasons To Make Your Next Suit A Custom-Tailored Design

1) You’re Guaranteed To Get A Perfect Fit

When you purchase an off-the-rack suit that’s been mass-produced and factory-stitched, there’s a very high likelihood that it won’t provide an ideal fit. A disappointing, cookie-cutter approach is used to produce suits in standard sizes and this approach doesn’t account for the fact that people have specific tastes and needs, and that they come in all sizes and shapes.

Retailers will often suggest altering these garments to achieve a better fit. Even though minor alterations are acceptable, any major undertakings in this respect can actually damage the overall integrity of your suit.

custom suit

For total control over how your suit fits, your only option is to invest in custom tailoring services. Custom suits are crafted from over 100 data points to ensure that the resulting garment is perfectly suited to your own unique physique!

2) The Measurements

Have you ever found that you’re able to fit medium-sized suits from certain brands but require large-sized suits from others? This is because all the stores are going to have different cuts for their products. In addition to being incredibly confusing, it can also lead to a lot of wasted time. You wind up spending tons of time in fitting rooms trying on suits in various sizes before finding one that actually fits and feels good.

When you invest in custom suits instead, your tailor will take exact measurements and will then enter these into a database. When you get ready to order any additional suits, your measurement profile will already be on hand.

3) You’ll Get Your Very Own Brand

Over-rated labels often that have extraordinarily high price tags tend to come with a lot of hype, even as they provide surprisingly ordinary looks.

When choosing custom tailoring, you’re going to get suits that are crafted to your personal character and taste, thereby creating your own brand – a brand that will always be your size and that will always be in stock.

One of the major benefits of investing in a custom tailored suit is being able to choose from an impressive range of top-tier fabric and customization options. Everything from collars to cuffs and linings to lapels can be created to your exact specifications and preferences.

You will be able to create a look that comes right out of the most recent issue of Men’s Style. You also have the ability to gain inspiration from existing designer looks and can even add your own unique spin to these.

4) Better Overall Suit Quality

Quality is the greatest advantage of custom suits. High-quality designs will allow you to look great with minimal effort.

Construction quality can additionally increase the lifespan of your garments, and with canvassed suits, it will be possible for your purchases to gradually adapt to your body shape.

Ascot Tailors

Keep in mind that a perfectly-fitting, cheap suit will look far better than a costly option that fits your body poorly.

5) A Far Better Fabric Range

In addition to coming in numerous brands, the fabrics for custom suits are also offered in multiple shades and hues. This is an attribute that’s very rare among off-the-rack designs.

If you’re looking for a subtle look and don’t want to draw extra attention, think about choosing a suit in charcoal grey or navy blue. These are great colors for formal events and general office attire. If you plan on attending a wedding, however, olive green, Cambridge grey, and other light colors are going to bring your overall look to the next level.

6) Suit Lifespan And Maintenance

An additional benefit of custom suits is the maintenance and guidance services that will help increase the overall lifespan of your garments.

For instance, if you drop a few kilos, your tailor can update your measurement profile and alter your custom suits accordingly.

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