What Muay Thai equipment you should be Investing In

thai muay

Muay Thai that is widely known as the “art of eight limbs,” is a combat sport, and as the phrase suggests it comprises working the fists, elbows, knees, toes, shins and lower legs. Muay Thai originated from Thai as it is considered as a Thai form of boxing. Gradually Muay Thai became famous and internationally renowned. Today it is an international sport in which people from around the world take immense interest and for good reason too.

Muay Thai is a supreme form of combat that has the potential of teaching its students many techniques and skills; the biggest of which is the ability to use your body and your limbs efficiently for self-defense. Muay Thai will make use of all your limbs and train you with techniques that allow you to study not only your own body but also the body of the opponent and learn when to attack and when to protect yourself against danger.

It goes without saying that the training for Muay Thai is very intensive and the students need to be very serious about their training otherwise they can get badly injured. Many people are quick to confuse Muay Thai and boxing together however there are two different sports and so is their training and technique. Although visually it might seem as though both look the same, a Muay Thai student will have the abilities to box like a boxer but also be able to use other body parts such as their shins, feet, knees very efficiently as well; all in all this increases the range of fighting techniques for an individual.

When you are learning to fight so efficiently with almost all your limbs then it goes without saying that you will be using your entire body when it comes to training in Muay Thai. Having to intensively train your muscles has many health benefits and this is actually one of the major reasons why so many people around the world want to learn Muay Thai. Of course, you learn various techniques and skills but you also get to be on top of your workout routine and have a strict regime to follow thoroughly.

Here are some of the health benefits you can acquire by training in Muay Thai:

Excellent form of Cardio

Everyone knows the benefits of doing Cardio; it helps to circulate blood thoroughly around your body, and raises your heart beats; this means that your heart is performing at its peak as it is pushing blood through your vessels. Cardio helps to circulate oxygen around your body and widens blood vessels so your nervous system and your digestive system are working their best and not to forget that the rush you get from doing Cardio actually clears your mind and allows you to think clearly.

Excellent for Muscle Training

Muay Thai requires its students to work on their upper body, core and lower body muscles as intensely as they can. The regular Cardio training makes the muscles a lot more flexible so you can move them around efficiently.

Good for Weight Lose

Weight loss is a huge added benefit of training in Muay Thai because you are constantly training and shedding of extra fat. When you train your muscles then you essentially are building muscle mass and losing fat which is harmful. Building muscle mass means that you are actually increasing your metabolism; so when you train in Muay Thai you are increasing your metabolism which remains active long after the training is over so you lose fat for a longer period of time training in Muay Thai as compared to any other form of exercise or workout.

Helps to Tone Body

Muay Thai requires its students to show excellent form of discipline so you are actually not only working on your muscles and on reducing fat but also working on your stance and learning proper postures of performing a technique efficiently. The postures that you need to learn in Muay Thai actually help and tone your body immensely just like how Yoga does. When you fix your posture and tone your muscles all other bodily functions such as your nervous system and your digestive system start working at their best.

Reduces Anxiety and Stress

Muay Thai is widely recommended to patients who suffer from Anxiety and Stress because they get to witness fear and danger in the forefront. This direct contact to possible harm not only enables a person to manage their stress by learning how to control a situation but also helps them become more courageous and brave.

Reduces Depression

Going to Muay Thai classes religiously will not only help you create a regime for yourself but also meet so many like minded people who are training with you. Meeting new people and also seeing their progress as compared to you will help you feel belonged and reduce the feeling of loneliness and abandonment that being in depression might be causing you to experience.

Many therapists encourage people who suffer with depression to take up Muay Thai classes because it helps to widen their social circle but also helps them learn new skills. The feeling of accomplishing new challenges can be extremely uplifting for people who tend to be depressed.

Strengthens you Mentally

Because Muay Thai helps you to manage your stress and anxiety levels it encourages the thought of being in control that many anxious people think they lack. To be physically able to protect yourself against harm and injury is so refreshing that you feel you are growing mentally and emotionally.

Resistance against Injuries

Doing regular cardio and building muscle mass makes your muscles strong and flexible; this means that your muscles start creating a resistance against injuries. And even if you do get injured the constant flow of blood through the muscles makes muscle recovery very efficient; hence you become stronger physically.

However, before you start Muay Thai classes we suggest that you really learn and think about what you’re getting into! Muay Thai requires intensive training and you really need to be super serious about this sport. Here are some of the things you should keep in mind before starting Muay Thai classes:

  • The training is going to be very tough
  • There are chances of seriously getting injured
  • You will need to get used to pain
  • You need to remain as focused as possible
  • Your trainer will not be lenient
  • You need to have proper gears and equipment for Muay Thai

If you’re next question is, what important equipment I should be purchasing for Muay Thai then that means you’re mentally ready to start Muay Thai training and you have really thought carefully about joining these classes! And after learning all those benefits, we don’t blame you at all! Here is a list of equipment’s we think are important for you to own before learning Muay Thai:

  1. Muay Thai Boxing Gloves

It goes without saying that you will be using your fists a lot in Muay Thai hence that means you need to purchase good quality and durable Muay Thai gloves.

muay the boxing gloves

Because the technique of punching and boxing for Muay Thai is different from that of boxing, the gloves for Muay Thai are different too. There is a different variety and types of Muay Thai gloves so discuss with your trainer what kind you need.

2) A mouth guards

We have established how there is a high chance that you might be getting injured and most of the injuries can be around the face. Hence, we strongly recommend buying a good mouth guard that will at least help protect your teeth!

mouth guards

3) Muay Thai shorts

Since you will need to use your feet and legs freely, this means you need to wear clothes that will allow you to move your legs without any restrictions. At the same time these shorts will need to be extra absorbent and help protect you against rashes.

thai shorts

4) Shin Guards

You will be making using of your shins a lot and also remember that your opponent will also be targeting your shins when attacking too. It goes without saying you really need to protect these parts of your body so we suggest wearing shin guards to protect your shins against serious injuries.

shin guards

5) Ankle Supports

Learning how to move your feet around flexibly also means that you will be twisting and putting a lot of pressure on your ankles. For this reason wearing ankle supports means that you will be able to protect your ankles against any serious injury.

ankle supports

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