Turning the Clock Back – Effective Skin Rejuvenation Processes

Skin Rejuvenation Processes

A young and fresh looking skin need not only be in the domain of youngsters and teenagers. Today, innovations in the beauty care segment have ensured that those in the late fifties and sixties too can opt for beauty care treatments to turn the clock back look wise and give those who are decades younger a run for their money.

What has helped matters is the introduction of high-tech technologically advanced machines. These have made such treatments easier and quicker than what it was even in the not-so-distant past. Consider removal of wrinkles and fine lines on the face. Even some years back, cosmetic surgeons carried out invasive surgeries that tightened the skin on the face, thereby eliminating the age marks. The patient had to go through extended downtime and recuperation periods. Today, laser and IPL technologies offer the same treatments at highly affordable rates within a few sessions. Each session lasts a maximum of an hour and the patient can get back to work almost immediately.

Skin Rejuvenation Processes

Here are some of the modern methods of skin rejuvenation that are affordable, painless and effective.

Laser Resurfacing 

In the first place, Laser Resurfacing charges up the skin by removing fine lines and wrinkles, brown spots and birthmarks and enhances production of collagen which tightens up the skin. Laser and IPL (Intense Pulse Light) technologies are also very useful for removal of unwanted hair from face and body. There are two types of treatments here –

  • Ablative Lasers – Ablative lasers remove the aging outer layers of the skin and hence, encourage production of a fresh and new layer. The best application and how far below the surface the laser should reach is determined by the dermatologist depending on skin type and the extent of treatment required for skin rejuvenation.
  • Non-Ablative Lasers – Non-Ablative Lasers do not break the surface of the skin. Instead, the layer of skin just below the surface is heated up to promote the growth of new collagen which tightens up the skin and removes freckles, fine lines, and wrinkles. A few sessions can create a lasting new look.

Microdermabrasion and Dermabrasion 

Correspondingly, these two treatments are a form of mechanical exfoliation of the skin. To reveal smoother and younger looking skin, the outer layers of visible skin damage are gently peeled away. However, there are a few basic differences between the two –

  • Microdermabrasion – In order to reduce age spots, minimise fine lines and wrinkles, microdermabrasion is used on the face, neck, hands and the body. The procedure will improve and brighten skin tone. A microdermabrasion machine has a fine tipped instrument that sprays the area with very fine abrasive particles. This exfoliates the skin immediately after which the particles are vacuumed away by the machine. There are no side effects or downtime and a number of sessions are required to complete the treatment cycle.
  • Dermabrasion – Dermabrasion is a more powerful method and should be carried out by a trained cosmetic surgeon only. A rotating instrument or blade is used to remove layer upon layer of aged skin making way for younger skin below the surface. The procedure is carried out under topical or local anesthesia. This method works best for removing vertical lip lines, wrinkles, and freckles.

As described above, the complex procedures should be done by expert hands on the best of equipment. Salons and clinics in Australia for example that have machines bought from Universal IPL have a distinct edge over others in the field. This is because the company is a leading importer and distributor of beauty care equipment in the country. The machines are imported from top manufacturers from around the globe.

Microdermabrasion and Dermabrasion

Chemical Peel

Similarly, Chemical peel is a completely non-invasive method and these procedures should be carried out by only trained cosmetic surgeons. In this procedure, a chemical solution is applied to the face in order to peel away the outer layer. These peels are classified into light or deep peels depending on the skin layers that need to be removed. It removes botched and discolored skin and brightens up skin tones.

In brief, whatever be the method you opt for, it is always recommended that the procedure must be carried out under the supervision of experienced cosmetic surgeons.

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